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This is a  program  that looks into societal issues ranging from social, economic, religious and cultural, climatic issues. We asses these issues and venture into  possible solutions and recommendation through interventions that combats these challenges.

Into the matter is run by the team of  expert in these issues and take on the responsibilty to look at different problems for instance misuse of drugs. It is evident in our different communities that the youths are engaged in use of drugs and this has made them resort to different deviant acts like rape, defilement and theft. There is need to fully engage this youths on dangers of drugs and need to rehabilitate some of them to become better. In our different communities, 3 in every 5 youths engage in use of drugs like marijuana, kuba, cocaine, shisha and mira locally known as kikola. Gender based violence is a shadow pandemic that is escalating in the different communities and this ranges from physical, sexual, economic and psychological hence this has affected the lives of the women and also children who are victims of violence and so there is need to fully counteract and fight this vice in the community. Forced marriages and early marriages is rather melancholic, this is common in rural areas due to lack of sensitization. Climate is also drastically changing to an unfriendly state and needs fast intervention. Its upon these that we deeply root our selves to do our best within this community.

Campaigns thta are physical and on social media platform are way to sensitize the people about the dangers of these social, economic, cultural and religious problems and this is one of our opwerful tool.



Eagles girls is a program within space media that provides a safe space for empowerment of the feminist through open dialogue and online interaction between the girls giving them a feeling of hopeful tomorrow with full support from their opposite gender the male. The name eagle girls is therefore derived from the mentality and the attitude of an eagle towards life. It attains the highest degree of outstanding against natural barriers amongst the birds of all.

The program conducted many of our female experst supported fully by the male counterparts provide young girls with information in areas of reproductive health & rights, maternal health, gender-based Violence, child Marriage, Female Genital Mutilation, water & sanitation, her mental health and career guidance talks.

Looking at the challenges faced by the female gender in a typical slum area ranging from Access to Education (A 2013 report by UNESCO found that 31 million girls of primary school age were not in school, and about one out of every four young women in developing countries had never completed their primary school education. That number represents a huge pool of untapped girl power), reproductive health and rights knowledge, unemployment and maternal health, gender based violence,  we are therefore are not an exception as the community elites in standing up for the rights if these  ladies in our capacities not limited up to our maximum capacity as the team space media to provide an avenue for walking with the girls through with full optimism of overcoming these challenges therefore the name eagle girls because seeing an Eagle can be associated with rebirth, new beginnings, and the coming of spring. New beginnings, perseverance, and endurance for individuals who have been through difficult times can be symbolized by the image of an eagle.



We value the talent of individuals and its ipon this that we explore through art and creative a space of identifing the different talents in the art and creative industry while providing platforms to build their potentials but most importantly promote them to the market that appreciates their gift. We have been able to organize sports galla, Dance competions, Host creatives producers and support them to further gain confidence beyond stages they will be rewardeed on. We d this by keeping community values and youth needs at hand.

Expert in the creative industries also run this section inorder to provide quality services to our young counterparts 

This program looks at discovering young talent and promoting the upcoming talent within the community and nurturing the talent so that one is able to benefit from the talent even financially. This also looks at creating role models within the community and bringing positivity within the lives of the people in the community. So in this program, we always try to find out how much these young talented individuals wants to with their talent, where they see themselves in some years to come, what they would wish to accomplish. We also try to encourage, guide, and support these talent in the level that we can by organizing talks shows, events like talent show within the community so that they can show case there talent.


We create Limitless Space to Enabling Opportunities


Educational Workshops

Shaping the Leaders of Tomorrow


Gender dialoguing


Waste Management Campaigns

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