About Us
Our Programs
Project Gallery
Visitors Program
Over 10 different projects successfully delivered, 20 community engagements and 2000 youth within Acholi Quarters reached.
Spreading the Gospel of peace building through dance and art
Sensitizing youth about health with emphasis on HIV/AIDs prevention
Joining hands with the bigger membrs of the youth of the community in a movement to promote community cleanliness and sanitation.
Uniting with Peace Ambassadors in discussing community peace coexistance amidst diversity oif cultures and beliefs
Sharing diverse cultural heritage across the great lakes region of Africa featuring Burundi, Rwanda, Congo, Uganda and Tanzania
Bridging the gaps between leaders and Youth in communities.
Brickets and Plastic Pavers.
Building financial resilience through climate smart initiative like bricket making and Plastic pavers
Naviagting Innovative leacdership to enhace youth groupd capacity.
Our CEO - Abwola Hillary Makwar represnting us in Kigali Rwanda at the regional peace fsetical by InterPace with support form Refugee Law Project
With Support from Plan International Uganda, we have collected 294 plastic bottles for recycling into Paver Bricks