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"Empowering Youth Leadership: A Spotlight on Nzanzu Masomeko, Public Servant from Goma, DRC"

Updated: Jul 16


We are the strength of tomorrow

Born: In Goma, May 16, 1998

Level of study: Degree in Law/Public law

Establishment: Sapientia Catholic University at grade level and ULPGL-Goma for license

Merit: 5 distinctions in G1, G2, G3, L1 and L2

NZANZU MASOMEKO HUBERT was born in DR Congo, in the province of North Kivu in the city of Goma on May 16, 1998. A youth of vision, an admirer of fine literature, a graduate from the Faculty of Law of UCS Goma and equipped with ULPGL Goma license,

On the academic level: He holds a bachelor's degree (Bac+5). He studied his graduate cycle at the Sapientia Catholic University in Goma. And finished his undergraduate degree at the Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs (Free University of the countries of the Great Lakes) in Goma.

Hubert, a researcher in Public Law, has authored several dissertations, two of which are main, the first marks the end of the graduate cycle which focuses on "The problem of the effectiveness of decentralization under current legislation in DR Congo". And the second marks the end of the licensing cycle, it carries “The responsibility of the public administration for climate inaction: case of Gas in the Gulf of Kabuno”. This dissertation analyzes the issue relating to State responsibility for climate inaction in the hydrocarbon sector, particularly the case of methane gas in the Gulf of Kabuno. About the obligation of the State established in principle 7 of the Rio declaration as well as in article 53 of the constitution, the abstention of the State from not taking measures to ensure a healthy environment any person may be held liable. The case under examination is an illustration. The State is required to respect the precautionary principle, but in the present case, there appears to be silence on the part of the State. This inaction is at the root of eco-anxiety harm that deserves to be repaired. Regarding the justiciability of the State, we noted, despite the mechanisms of common law, that a clear obligation is imposed on the State to act to prevent the imminent danger of gas in the Gulf of Kabuno. Then, in view of the complexity of environmental law, we noted the need for the creation of a specialized chamber in the administrative courts to deal with this type of questions in mastering the requirements of art. The latter was published by Éditions Universitaires Européennes.

On a professional level, He is a responsible Peace/Human Rights activist in the Club des Jeunes pour la Vie (CJV/Asbl) (Young people for Life).

He has been a Young Innovator in the Youth Lab project a peace building project by Interpeace funded by Europeans Union, Swiss Cooperation for Development. Where he worked with InterPeace under her implementing partner called Pole Institute with a team of other 5 young people from Goma fronting the agenda of peace building across the Great Lakes Region of Africa, He is a peacebuilder, with several awards and certification in peacebuilding and especially in peaceful conflict resolution beyond his law studies. With a lot of interest in international geopolitics in all its facets.. Additionally, from 2022 to 2023 he was a beneficiary of the on-site study grant from the Konrad Adenauer Rd Congo Foundation leading to the award of a competitive a scholarship awarded to the best students, that he was part of.

Hubert believes in younng people being the drivers on change at democratic levels, advocating for youth involvement at decison making levels, youth empowerment is part of his missions and above all he is his engagement in public service has proved his passion for a better Goma.

In training Hubert holds an official position in the province of North Kivu. Last November, he was appointed by the National Minister for the Economy as "Deputy Provincial Executive Secretary" of the Cadre Permanent de Concertation Économique, a government body responsible for creating a climate of dialogue between employers' organizations, civil society and public authorities in order to improve the business climate and this is position that he is serving at. He has continued to mastermind youth empowermwnt advocacy through his work serving the grassroot communities in the North kivu Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Hubert enjoys hobbies like reading and researching, travelling, and planning trees, a hobby which is a remedy to the drastic climatic change that threathens the future of this world.


Tel: +243 973114357

Compiled and Edited by: Abwola Hillary Makwar

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